Posts tagged cognos maintenance
The Ultimate Guide to IBM Cognos Installs and Upgrades

Once upon a time, new releases of Cognos Analytics (at the time known as Cognos BI) only came around once a year or so. This was how the software industry as a whole used to operate—but these days things are different. More frequent, smaller releases are the name of the game, and with the more rapid release cadence comes a more persistent urge to install new Cognos Analytics software versions, delivering powerful new features and critical bug fixes to end users in an expedient manner.

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Cognos Server Maintenance Guide

Routine Cognos server maintenance is critical in order to ensure your environment performs optimally and remains reliable. Failure to attend to this could likely cause unnecessary downtime and impact critical deadlines. Similar to maintaining a vintage car – all it requires is some shrewd TLC. In this article, I review some key checks to assist in maintaining your Cognos Analytics servers.

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