Administrator, May 1, 2018
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In April IBM introduced a new program that streamlines licensing for IBM Analytics customers. The FlexPoints program simplifies current perpetual based IBM licensing along three core platforms: Data Science and Business Analytics; Hybrid Data Management; and Unified Governance and Integration.

Within each platform customers can mix and match products according to their specific needs. For customers who currently own Cognos Analytics licenses can access all the products within the Data Science and Business Analytics platform, (SPSS Predictive Analytics, DSx, Planning Analytics, Watson Explorer Decision Optimization) without the need to acquire new licensing.
FlexPoints Overview Webinar
You can watch our webinar to get an overview of the FlexPoints program and learn how customers can streamline their IBM licensing.
Webinar: How to Optimize Your IBM Licensing with FlexPoints
IBM Licensing Review Appointment
Our Software solutions team is scheduling FlexPoints review sessions by appointment to provide details about the program, enrollment logistics, and specific client options.
Next Steps
If you have any questions or would like PMsquare to provide guidance and support for your analytics solution, contact us today.