


Analytics Showdown
Danny Gargus and Craig Colangelo, March 25, 2021

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The Ultimate Showdown

Business Intelligence tools have changed rapidly over the last few years with many vendors pushing out multiple updates each year – some even quarterly. It has become difficult to keep track of the myriad changes to the tools as each release brings them functionally closer to each other. The matrix below attempts to shed light on some of the differences between six of the leading BI tools.

Analytics Showdown: IBM Cognos vs. Microsoft Power BI vs. Tableau vs. MicroStrategy vs. Qlik vs. ThoughtSpotPMsquare BI Tool Comparison
All Analytics/BI tools report against data in some for or fashion. This document shows some of the similarities and differences between market leaders. Subjective capabilities such as “Which product has better ease of use?” are not covered here. Questions? Comment below or contact us.
FEATURECognosPower BITableauMicroStrategyQlik
Web-based or Desktop developmentWebBothDesktopBothBothWeb
Data Import or Direct QueryBothBothBothBothBothBoth
Gartner Mode 1YesYesLimitedYesYes
(extension req’d)
Formatted production style reporting, scheduled distributed reports – requirements are well-understood in advance and can be identified by a process of analysis
Gartner Mode 2YesYesYesYesYesYes
Visual-based exploration, agile, self-service, exploratory, involving experimentation to solve new problems, and optimized for areas of uncertainty.
Use of StoriesYesNoYesYesNoYes
(not narrative)
Allow for analytics be presented in a narrative form and allows for creation of a presentation like PowerPoint but using live data.
Text Box PromptsYesNoNoYesYesNo
Expression-Based Conditional FormattingYesYesNoYesYesNo
Multiple data source connections in the same reportYesYesYesYes
(extension req’d)
Jupyter Notebooks integrationYesNoNoYesNoNo
Open-source web application that allows for creation and sharing of documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, & narratives.
Export to PowerPointNo
(included add-on req’d)
(office add-on req’d)
(extension req’d)
Export to Excel with formattingYesNoNoYesNoNo
Report BurstingYesNoYesYes
(w/ Narrowcast Server)
Generates targeted report output based on data from a single report run that is divided amongst the subsets.
Email reports to a distribution listYesYes/No
(depends on Version)
(extension req’d)
Custom D3 VisualizationsYesYesNoYesYesNo
D3 is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers
Schematics visualsYesNoYesYesYes
(extension req’d)
Ability to map data to custom vector image. (i.e. – airline seating chart)
Row level securityYesYesYesYesYesYes


As you can see there are still quite a few differences between the products. With each new release, we expect that the functionality gap will increase and decrease as new features are added that didn’t exist before and existing features are implemented as a response to another vendor’s updated product. Some of these are just personal preferences and others may or may not be important to your company’s processes and goals. By the time you read this, there may have already been updates that make some of these differences obsolete! As always though, if you need help navigating the BI space, let PMsquare be your analytics guide.

If you aren’t sure which BI tool is the best match for your organization and need help, reach out to us or chat with us by clicking the bubble in the bottom right of your screen.

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If you have any questions or would like PMsquare to provide guidance and support for your analytics solution, contact us today.