Craig Colangelo, October 10, 2022
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Psst! Hey you…yeah…the one with the large Cognos Query Studio and Analysis Studio footprint. You know those studios have been around since 2005, right? Those were the Cognos 8 days! We know that there are still plenty of shops with Query Studio and/or Analysis Studio artifacts in use…but times, they are a changin’.

IBM has been telling us for the past several years (since 10.2.2 or so) that those studios are deprecated and will, of course, eventually, hit their end of life. I have a feeling that the actual end of life is coming very soon. Maybe with the next major release. IBM hasn’t officially said as much, but it’s truly about time.
The good news is that the functionality gap between those studios and like functionality in the newest Cognos stream is very narrow. The functionality that was most used from the old studios is pretty close to 1:1 in 11.2+. As precise functionality comparisons and maybe even more evolved bulk conversion options become more apparent over the next few months, we’ll be sure to keep you updated with the latest. IBM generally does extra around impending end-of-life products to ensure a smooth transition from old to new, in conjunction with the official end-of-life announcement. PMsquare will make sure to help along those same lines. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. Also, make sure to check out Mark Karas’ earlier post about using the Cognos Analytics interactive reporting interface as a fully effective substitute for Analysis Studio.
Next Steps
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