Single-Cell Visualization

In Planning Analytics Workspace release 2.0.81, IBM added a new Single Cell visualization type with several unique capabilities. The Single-cell visualization is a single cell Exploration that has been added as a Visualization. You can still create a single-cell view using the Exploration visualization, but it is much easier to use the Single-cell visualization type. The Single-cell visualization is designed to display a single value from a cube without row or column headers and without the context filters. Using the Fields Property, you can configure and filter your cube data to arrive at a single value for the visualization. So, when you have the need, you can quickly add a simplified, single-value display to your report or dashboard.

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Transforming Business in the Cloud: Unlocking Potential in Application Development and Data Analytics

We find ourselves in an era where technology is evolving at an unprecedented speed, driving businesses to undergo a profound transformation to stay competitive. One significant shift in this transformation is the widespread adoption of cloud platforms. In this article we dive into the transformative potential of cloud technology, examining its impact on application revitalization and data analytics.

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SaaS Application to AWS S3 Made Easy Via AppFlow

In our current data-driven environment, businesses face significant demands to leverage data for well-informed decision-making, glean customer insights, and implement predictive analytics powered by machine learning. Enter Amazon Appflow—a game-changer in the world of data integration. Say goodbye to months of API documentation reading and code perfection. Join us as we delve into the capabilities of Amazon Appflow and how it empowers organizations to equip their teams with the essential data required for valuable insights and data-driven decision-making.

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Getting Started with AWS CloudWatch Logging for a Node.js Application

Discover the vital role of logging in application development for insights and issue detection, aided by the robust capabilities of AWS CloudWatch. This guide provides a step-by-step journey, from integrating AWS SDK into your Node.js application and setting up IAM permissions to seamlessly incorporating CloudWatch Logging. Gain valuable insights into the logging process and explore CloudWatch's comprehensive console for easy log review.

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Steven Nguyen Comment
Impact of Decentralization and Web3 using Cloud: From the Lens of PMsquare

Explore the revolutionary impact of decentralization and Web3 through the lens of PMsquare. Web3's security-focused distributed architecture empowers users with seamless control, fostering accessibility and digital expansion. PMsquare leverages Cloud Technologies to fuel this evolution, envisioning a landscape where decentralization intersects with Web3's potential.

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Crosstabs: Beyond the Basics

The goal of this article is to help readers gain a better understanding of working with crosstabs and expose some features and capabilities that newer users may not be aware of. Delve into the realm of advanced techniques for developing Crosstabs in Cognos Analytics with this article and unveil the potential of Crosstabs beyond basic reports, this article illuminates their pivotal role in complex report layouts. This article uncovers lesser-known features and capabilities, enhancing comprehension and utilization of Crosstabs in Cognos Analytics reporting.

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PMsquare’s Quantum Leap: Expanding through Cloud Services Acquisition

PMsquare acquires Quantum Leap Innovation as part of their continued investment into the cloud consulting space. Along with the acquisition comes the addition of a new member to the PMsquare leadership team, Sanjeev Pant. By uniting data analytics with cloud services, PMsquare is well-positioned to redefine the landscape of technology solutions for enterprises globally.

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The Ultimate Guide to IBM Cognos Installs and Upgrades

Once upon a time, new releases of Cognos Analytics (at the time known as Cognos BI) only came around once a year or so. This was how the software industry as a whole used to operate—but these days things are different. More frequent, smaller releases are the name of the game, and with the more rapid release cadence comes a more persistent urge to install new Cognos Analytics software versions, delivering powerful new features and critical bug fixes to end users in an expedient manner.

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Cognos Analytics 12 Parameters Page

In Reporting, prior to Cognos 11 versions, it was difficult to change anything related to the parameter without deleting and recreating one.  Then in Cognos 11 versions we got the ability to swap parameters for a prompt and rename them and such.  Now, with the release of Cognos 12, we have a dedicated page where we can create all the parameters we need beforehand without creating prompts first. There is a wide variety of impressive things you can do with the parameters now, with the addition of a new Parameters Page in Report Authoring, so let’s take a look at what has been added.

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Best Practices to Avoid Bottlenecks in AWS Glue and Redshift

AWS Glue is a server-less data integration service that provides all capabilities needed to categorize, clean, enrich and move the data between data stores. It is a powerful ETL tool that reduces and automates a significant portion of the effort required for data integration. To fully leverage AWS Glue’s capabilities for production workloads, the service must be fine-tuned with proper configurations to reduce job runtime and increase resource availability.

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Yes, You Can Start Writing Expressions in Cognos!

While reporting has evolved over the years and it is now possible to jump right into creating content in Cognos Reporting with drag-and-drop elements, becoming a true "Power User" requires a bit more know-how. It is critical to be comfortable writing expressions. That's where the Expression Definition box comes in. Whether you're just getting started or looking to expand your knowledge, this post will show you that there's no need to be intimidated by expressions. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at this powerful tool!

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Data Visualizations in Planning Analytics

Data visualization has become an increasingly important tool in today's data-driven world. By converting complex data sets into visual representations, we can quickly identify patterns, trends, and insights that would be otherwise difficult or impossible to detect. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace, or PAW, is designed to offer a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create data visualizations. In this article, we will explore how one can use different visualization types, the layout of a workbook, and different property settings in PAW to create an appealing design that truly stands out from the rest, capturing the attention of the audience and effectively conveying important insights from the data.

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