Installing Cognos Analytics for Jupyter Notebooks

If you are looking to branch out into data science, Cognos can help you! Starting with release 11.1.2, IBM is including Jupyter Notebook Server with Cognos Analytics. Jupyter notebooks are a popular way to analyze data and visualize the results in a browser, but their real power is the ability to share these notebooks with other data scientists who can interact with the data in real-time.

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What's New in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.57

Well, it has finally arrived! Planning Analytics Workspace 57 is here, and it is an exciting release. Users will notice a number of functional and cosmetic updates in this release, however, this blog post will focus on the groundbreaking new product enhancements. The main feature and updates that will be discussed are the changes to the ‘Welcome’ and ‘Administration’ pages, ‘Books and Visualizations’ improvements, the brand-new algorithm-based Forecasting feature, as well as Applications and Plans workflow feature.

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Using Incorta With Cognos Analytics

Back in October of 2019, we introduced Incorta to our customers as an emerging technology to not only modernize our customer’s data and analytics estates but also to analyze their most complex data, quickly. Whether you are using Incorta for a pure speed solution or exposing Incorta modeling via Cognos to take advantage of existing enterprise reporting infrastructure, you can take advantage of Incorta and Cognos modeling tools to deliver the best result.

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IBM Cognos Security Bulletin FAQ

As a consultant, I usually scan it quickly for relevant information and then send it to my favorite Outlook folder - Deleted Items. But what if you’re in charge of a BI environment at a company? Should you be concerned about these security vulnerabilities? And if you’re new to the game how do you even find which bulletins apply to your Cognos version or environment? Maybe you didn’t even know there were security bulletins! I’ll try to break it down.

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Delivering on the Promise of BI

It will be easy,” “This BI tool will meet all the needs of your user base,” “They’re going to love it.” Promises about positive end-user experience, such as these, are very common to hear from vendors in the pre-sales stage of an enterprise analytics software sale. However, when the rubber meets the road, many implementations fall short of that expectation or, worse yet, fail.

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Legacy TM1 vs Planning Analytics (PA)

The technology that eventually became TM1 was first developed in 1983 and, after a few acquisitions through the decades, it was purchased by its current owner, IBM, in 2009. Around 2014-2015, IBM began developing a major overhaul to the application in order to keep up with changing trends in the way we use technology and the changing landscape of business analytics.

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Data & Analytics Projects – The Recipe for Success

In our professional lives, we use analytics to enhance decision making, automate processes, predict outcomes, and extract business value from the data that we continue to collect each day. As businesses strive to become more analytics-driven and satisfy their hunger for the knowledge that is locked within the data that shape their organizations, true business value is only recognized by those who follow a few key principles in the implementation and deployment of their analytics projects.

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Adventures in Data Wrangling

Enter Trifacta Wrangler, an intuitive and intelligent data preparation tool designed to create order from chaos. There’s nothing my spreadsheet-loving self gets more excited about than well-structured data; but before I get too poetic with my Trifacta hero epic, let’s ground our discussion in a case study. Because when it comes to data troubles, I’ve seen things. So how does Trifacta help?

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The Value of Cognos Schematics

Cognos 11.1.5 (& newer) allows developers to incorporate custom schematics via scaled vector graphics, which are based on xml. This means that you can modify the xml of the graphic to create reference objects that you can use in order to align your data with parts of the graphic. Let’s step through some of the work that has to be done to make custom schematics work.

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Tips for Career Success – Tip 14: Be Boastful

The truth is that successful people possess a balance of both humility and boastfulness. More importantly, they know when to use each. The best advice I can give in this area is to treat humility as a daily way of life attitude. Your gut reaction or instinctive stance should be one of humility. However, also be sure to make your successes known to help get your name out there as a high-performer. Effectively, you need to boast sometimes.

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Dustin AdkisonComment
How to Save Report Outputs to a File System in Cognos Analytics

Oftentimes Cognos report output is needed to be consumed by many users in your organization. You could have them log into the portal and access the output directly but maybe you don’t have the time or expertise to be setting up users to access Cognos directly and then maintain all of those users. You could have the output emailed to them but you don’t want to clog up your mail server with hundreds of attachments. A good option could be to save the report outputs to your internal network or the cloud and have your users access them from there.

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7 Things I’ve Learned Working in Quarantine

This article examines one person’s experiences and lessons learned during the last few months of working from home during quarantine. In it, we will look at practical, social, and psychological advice for managing yourself and your time at home. By reading this article, we hope that you will come away feeling better prepared to not only survive but thrive while working from home.

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What's New in IBM Planning Analytics - Version 2.0.52

Planning Analytics 2.0.52 brings notable updates including changes to Set Editor, improved scrolling, a new drag & drop procedure, a new toolbar, updates to Default View settings, optimized save & reload book actions, & new book items. Learn how to successfully implement and navigate these changes in Planning Analytics 2.0.52.

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Join Query Optimization in Data Modules

Optimization of joined queries in Cognos Analytics is a useful way to improve performance by reducing the data returned by the database. Joins with one-to-many or many-to-one cardinality use key values from the table on the one side of the join to filter rows in the table on the many sides of the join. Like a developer who uses IN, BETWEEN, or a subquery in their custom SQL query, so can the Cognos query engine.

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Embedding Predictive Analytics Into the Planning Process

Applying AI to your planning process doesn’t mean that HAL 9000 is in the back office churning out next month’s sales numbers while analysts eagerly scribble down the results. In the current sense, predictive planning typically refers to the combination of time series forecasting algorithms and seasonality patterns from historical results to project future outcomes with greater accuracy.

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